• Life, Health & V.A. Practice Exam Plus (PE002)

Practice for your state exam.  Evaluate your knowledge and use of terms, and gain confidence in your ability to pass the state exam on the first try! Includes unlimited practice exams.

  • Self-grading - new exam every time
  • Practice until you score 100%
  • Study only what you want to study
  • Separate Life, Health, and Annuity exam generators included

The Practice Exam Plus is an ideal way to evaluate your level of knowledge prior to taking the actual state insurance agent exam. OLT has created a complete Composite Training Solution for those entering the Insurance Industry as professional insurance agents. We have separated the study materials into the three primary domains of knowledge (Life, Health, and Annuities) examined on state agent licensing exams. This permits students to focus their studies.

The course includes a bundle of courses valued at $70 - PE001 multiple choice ($25), PE001a matching  ($15), PE001b fill-in-the-blank ($15), PE001c crossword puzzle ($15).

Enrollment is for 90 days.

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Life, Health & V.A. Practice Exam Plus (PE002)

  • $42.00

for each student

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Tags: Life, Health, Annuities, Cramcourse, Practice Exam