Products meeting the search criteria
30 hour - 2-14 Life & Variable Annuity-Only Pre-Licensing Course (INS025FL30)
With your Life, including Variable Annuity (2-14) license, you can be appointed by an insurer or I..
40 hour - 2-40 Health Insurance Agent Pre-Licensing Course (INS022FL40)
This Health Insurance Agent Pre-Licensing Course is designed to meet the requirements for the 2-40..
200 hr - General Lines (Property and Casualty) 2-20 Pre-Licensing Course (INS026FL200)
Complies with the State requirements for the General Lines Agents State examination. Work at your ..
$290.00 $390.00
3 hr All Licenses CE - Homeowners Insurance - What's Covered, What's Not? (INSCE039FL3)
Insurance Claims Adjusters and Public Adjusters need a deep understanding of the homeowner policy to..
3 hr Public Adjuster CE (3-20) - Homeowners Insurance - What's Covered, What's Not? (INSCE039FL3)
Insurance Claims Adjusters and Public Adjusters need a deep understanding of the homeowner policy to..
3 Month Access to 60 hr 2-15 Health and Life Insurance Pre-Licensing course (including Annuities and Variable Contracts) INS003FL60
3 Month access to our famous 60-hour pre-licensing courseThe course is text-based (work at you..
60 hr 20-44 Personal Lines Agent Pre-Licensing Course (INS015FL60)
This is an entry-level course for insurance agents. After 1 year with this license, you can use..
40 hr 6-20 -All Lines Accredited Claims Adjuster Designation Online Course (INS013FL40)
This 40-hour course fulfills the educational requirement for the 6-20 Company/Independent All-Line..
40 hr Pre-licensing - 2-20 CONVERSION COURSE (INS016FL40)
This 40-hour pre-licensing course helps an insurance agent convert their 4-40, 0-55, or 20-44 licen..
2 hr All Licenses CE - COVID-19, Insurance, and Claims (INSCE038FL2)
COVID-19 claims have raised coverage issues that will probably ultimately resolved through legis..
2 hr Public Adjuster CE (3-20) - COVID-19, Insurance, and Claims (INSCE038FL2)
COVID-19 claims have raised coverage issues that will probably ultimately resolved through legislat..
40 hr 4-40 RCSR - Registered Customer Representative Designation Online Course (INS005FL40)
This 40-hour course is a Florida-approved 4-40 designation course, which functions like a pre-lice..
200 hr Prelicensing - 2-20 Property and Casualty, General Lines Agent Pre-Licensing Course (INS007FL200)
6 months of access to our Famous2-20 Resident General Lines (Property, Casualty, Sur..
4 hr Law & Ethics Update 2-15 CE Course - for 2-14, 2-15, 2-40 Life and Health Agents (INSCE018FL5k)
This class satisfies the requirement that 2-14, 2-15, and 2-40 Agents complete a Law and Ethics Upda..
4 hr Law & Ethics Update 6-20 All-Lines Adjusters (2025) CE Course (10 hr credit) (INSCE024FL10k)
This class satisfies the requirement that Adjusters complete a Law and Ethics Update course every 2 ..